Posted by: amberthebaker | May 17, 2008

Sweet Freedom!!

Well, Matt and I had our first date since both of the boys came home. The inlaws offered to watch the little guys so we could go out to dinner at eat and feel a little more like normal human beings! For me, I am pretty much a prisoner in my house for most of my days…I mean I can take them out for a walk, but I have yet to master taking them both out, gulp, alone so getting out of the house is a big deal! Even bigger, I did my hair and make-up and I even TOOK A SHOWER.

On a side note, people that don’t have kids yet, never ever take for granted the wonderfullness (yeah I know it’s not a word) of a nice hot shower. I used to get one at least once sometimes twice a day! Now I am lucky if I get one once a week…pathetic, I know, but have a kid (or two in my case) and then judge me 🙂

Anyway, I was beside myself that I was able to look like a human being and go out and do human being things, like eating at the restaurant of my choice and not picking one because it has a booth big enough to fit 2 carseats. We ate at this new place in Lowell called The Blue Taleh for dinner. The food was good and the drinks were delicious, but in all honesty we could have gone to the 99, ok not really, but it was just nice to go out with my husband and wear real clothes. Never underestimate actual clothing, it is a fabulous thing!!

Needless to say we were back home and practically asleep before the clock struck 11:00, but what do you expect when we are only getting 3-4 hours a night?? We just can’t hang like we used to. We are now night-owls for a different reason…to entertain our little men!

And I am off to do just that!!

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